Sunday, June 10, 2012

The world around us.

Hello my awesome readers!
(ahem, two readers)
Alright alright! Hello my awesome Suski (and Sophia)!

A long long time ago I wrote my Inkeri some stories about nature and weather, and she really enjoyed them, and later told me that they caused her to appreciate the intricacies of the world we live in. I do not know; maybe she was just being nice, but in any event, here you go :)

    There is nothing more serene than walking to school on a cold cloudy day, with the crunch of the leaves consoling your deepest thoughts. You walk past the lake as the sun emerges from behind the hill, and suddenly your breath is visible, and the hot chocolate in your thermos is what keeps you warm. The walk to school is made quicker by the sudden arrival of a light mist. The drops fall so slowly that they catch in your eyes. By the time you arrive, a pouring rain has begun. It lets up throughout the day, but you are inside, so it doesn't matter. P.E. class is in the Gym, and the tin roof echos every drop. The rain brings warmth to the air, however, as it is never snowing. At the end of the day, the walk home is an accelerated jog, and you are sopping by the end. You are alone at home now, and sprint to and from the woodpile to build a fire. After lighting it, you go outside and get wet some more. Then you come in, throw off you jacket and shoes, and run into the living room to feel the warmth of the fire you created. After a warm hot chocolate, you fall asleep on the sofa, with your feet up. You awaken to the smell of a sizzling steak and those playful spices that your mother is so good at blending. Your hot chocolate cup is full again, and you drink from it a little more. Your father is in the chair opposite you, and is calmly reading the newspaper. You get up, walk to the window, and stand for thirty minutes just watching the drops fall. And then it becomes that mist again, and then all is calm. It has been raining all day, but now God has decided it has been enough. It is five o'clock now, and reasonably dark. You go out for a walk like you did in the morning. The San Francisco fog has rolled in, and now you can only see 10 meters in any direction. If it is Christmas time, the lights will peep through, and you are comforted. Your mother yells down the street. It is time to eat dinner, and your hot chocolate is ready for the fourth time.

I hope you liked that, it is out of season, yes, but I think fall and winter are more beautiful than the spring and summerwhich the northern world rapidly approaches. More of these stories will come soon.

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