Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The first comment!

You are a brand new blogger, we will pretend, and you have launched your fledgling thoughts into cyberspace, you wonder if anyone will care. Then, all the sudden, you get home from school and you see someone has, in fact, commented on your first ever post!
And you are apprehensive! Suppose it is not so nice of a post! Suppose a gruff gentleman has told you that you are only the latest scourge to type up a page!

The butterflies in your stomach are agitated! You are so happy that someone said something and yet you fear what they said!

Slowly, carefully, you attempt to read the comment. Except you can't, because you are so shaky you hit the wrong link. Your computer, as slow as it is, FINALLY gets you where you need to be. You scroll down to the comment.

It's from a friend of yours, but that does not matter at all, SOMEONE is out there and saw what you had to say and was polite enough to tell you they liked it!

And then you are happy for the remainder of the day.