Monday, June 4, 2012

Hyvää päivää

A merry howdy and hello!
And kiitos to Suski Koivisto
for she inspired me to this,
which otherwise I would have missed.

Well, so begins my life as a "blogger" so it would seem, inspired to do so by the fact that everyone I know seems to have and enjoy their blogs. So here we go.

My real last name is Roney, my real first initial is J. I write under Väärä hattupoika for two reasons...
  1.  My parents would NEVER allow me to do this, so I am sort of skirting their authority.
  2. To my international audience... (you've no idea what it feels like to say that) who is no doubt wondering what "väärä hattupoika" and "seriffitähti" mean.... They signify my very special relationship with Finland and Finns in general... (I could list the hit parade of my "suomalainen ystävät" but that would take forever and have more vowels than a kindergarten spelling lesson.)
So what do those things mean?

väärä hattupoika:   The "wrong hat" boy
seriffitähti:              Sheriff's star

Before we go on... if there are any Finns out there who want to read this...
Anteeksi, mutta en puhu suomea. :(  
tis sad but true. So unfortunately comments in Finnish cannot be replied to, except via google translate, and since the comments would likely be in murre thick enough to blow up google translate, please comment in English.

I think I have very high expectations (I already expect international readership for god's sake, but I am who I am, and I am nothing if not overly proud.)

A post of a more thought provoking variety is in the making "por mañana" but for the moment:
Hello! Moi! Hallo! Bonjour! Hej! Hei! Hola! and of course there are more ways to say that....but the point is:


  1. OH MY, you made a blog! I'm very honored to hear I've inspired you!! This looks good, I'm looking forward to what's coming up! :)

    1. Well Suski, the thanks is all to you! I would not have done this without you. :)
