Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The second post, wherein I learn that this is harder than anticipated

Day two, and although the air of introduction has not yet faded, we begin the actual concept of this blog. I do not know what it is to be either. Oddly enough, since I am yet to gain a reader, there really is no pressing need to develop a purpose or mission yet.

Perhaps it would be best to take my first readership poll!
Here are the questions:
  1. What country do you live in?
  2. How many languages do you speak? If >1, do not hesitate to list them.
  3. How old are you?
  4. If you won a vacation to any country, where and why?
  5. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, but were in perfect health today, what would you do?
  6. Do you like to hike/camp?
  7. How did you discover this humble blog?
  8. What is your favorite school subject?
  9. What will you do this summer?
  10. What should next week's survey be?
and now your writership answers
  1. USA all the way!
  2. 1: figure it out, with high school spanish on the side
  3. 16
  4. Finland of course, I have a lot of friends there who I have not seen for some time.
  5. Probably go golf at somewhere really famous.
  6. Yes, in fact it is one of my passions!
  7. I created it
  8. English, I love to write
  9. No clue
  10. You guys decide!

There you have it. Except I lament that there is no "you" yet. I think I will have to amass a larger volume of posts before I gain any readers, but thank you very much to anyone who does care what I have to say. Believe me the quality of content of these posts will be going up, I think tomorrow's discussion will be all about me, a sort of autobiography. Then, on Thursday, barring an unbelieviably extrodinary occurence today, will be a sort of post about language.

Again, thank you for taking your time to read my thoughts. : )

1 comment:

  1. 1. Finland
    2. 4
    3. 16
    4. There are sooo many of them, I can't decide! So sorry :D
    5. I'd tell my friends for the last time how much I love them!
    6. Yes I do!
    7. You told me about it!
    8. Finnish & literature.
    9. Have a great time!
    10. Use your imagination!
