Friday, September 7, 2012

Der tag

Hello my readers! Now that school has started I am afraid I will not be able to post often... (I know, I don't post often anyway) but I still want to put something out there, so I am going to serialize a little project I am working on and reveal it to you as I write it. Please respect my right to this work, and though I will not be copywriting it, I would prefer no one steals the story.
Der Tag
A short story


       Miss Mirjam is my good friend. But when we were teenagers, we didn’t see each other much. She lived in Switzerland, and I lived in the fog bowl that is the San Francisco Bay Area. Exactly one year after we met by chance in Sweden, her family took a vacation to my homeland and I got to see her again. Here’s the catch: Only one day to see her.
This is the story of der Tag.


                Seven o’clock in the morning was when I awoke. Well, not exactly seven, but close enough to seven. My first thoughts settled on the upcoming day and the previous night’s conversation with Mirjam, when we made the final arrangement for our meeting. It had been, in fact, a year to the day since we had met on that warm Swedish summer day.
                I had just secured possession of what might have been the only Tabasco bottle in all of Sweden when I noticed three Swiss girls trying to buy ice cream. I made them for Swiss girls by their clothes, they were from some kind of scout troop, and much of their insignia read “Suisse.”  I got in line behind them and we started talking about our homes and our respective countries before deciding friendship would be a reasonable proposition. Thus I met and became acquainted with Mirjam Schnüringer, Ursina Boos, and Eliane Halter.

                Eli, Miri, And Ursi from left to right, me in the center-left

Well, that is a good introduction. Whenever I next update I will reveal the remainder of chapter one (short, 3 microsoft word pages) and so on and upwards until the end! Happy reading!

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