Monday, October 15, 2012

You know you talk to Finns too much:

You know you talk to Finns too much when:

  1. Your mother yells at you from down the hall, and you reply “MITÄ?!?!?”
  2. A väiski becomes a reasonably fashionable piece of headwear.
  3. You discover you sometimes write about this ja that.
  4. You know every trick to using a sauna, except you’ve never used one.
  5. You sub-consciously refer to you house as taloni.
  6. You know 10 different ways to say hello in Finnish. Your friends know 30.
  7. You begin to hum random Chisu songs to yourself
  8. You start cheering for Räikkönen in F1 competitions
  9. You know how to pronounce ö
  10. You know there is a difference between U and UU or A and AA etc.
  11. Though you’ve asked a 100 times, you still don’t know exactly what they eat.
  12. You hang a Suomenlippu (Finnish Flag) in your bedroom.
  13. Muumi junk starts arriving in the mail
  14. You get into arguments over the difference between U and Y
  15. You now accept an alphabet with nine vowels
  16. You start pricing flights to Finland
  17. Your friends subscribe you to magazines in the Finnish language
  18. You start speaking Finnish, and your friends actually understand you
  19. You answer any question with Hmm, Mhm, Mmh, or Mm, and still get the point across
  20. Your Advent calendar counts down to Joulu
  21. US to Metric conversions are Automatic
  22. You spend hours learning how to roll Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  23. Mooses remind you of your friends
  24. You tell your friends it’s 50 degrees and raining in November, and they envy you
  25. The Kalevala is used for literary entertainment
  26. You think you actually want to live in Finland
  27. You draw little Finnish flags everywhere.
  28. You start feeling guilty when it isn’t below zero outside
  29. You have memorized codes such as ALT-0228, which enables you to type: ä
  30. You start insult anyone you see who is Swedish.
  31. You plan to go to yliopisto
  32. You have papers in your desk with Finnish conjugation rules
  33. You start to celebrate nameday
  34. When you ask for a translation of a Finnish word, you expect 3 totally different English ones
  35. You know Aku Anka... and read it... a lot 
  36. You think the best place in the world is Finland : )
Please feel free to comment with other ideas!

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