Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday!

My country, tis of thee; sweet land of liberty:

I know I am a few days late with this, but America please forgive me. Congratulations on another year, you are now a young and fresh 236 years old! I truely am greatful for the privilige of being able to have resided within you for these 16 years. Though a lot has happened since this time last year, and I know the future is hard to predict, I am certain you will be able to pull through as you have always pulled through: Proudly with the triumphs of liberty and freedom. Other nations may scoff at you, they may blame you for the world's problems, they may openly attack you, but we know better. You are as great as you have ever been, and I am sure will be even greater tomorrow! Perhaps you are sad that you are not as old as other nations, but we know you will endure. You have already grown as rich as the other nations, and have been steadily polished and perfected over the years. I know sometimes I complain about you, and criticize you, but believe me, I would not want to live anywhere else. God bless you USA, may for an eternity you endure!

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