Thursday, August 30, 2012


A simple challenge appeared to me from Susanna Koivisto. It came from "Behind my Eyes", and here it is:

And now, let's do the challenge. The rules are:
-Answer 11 questions that your challenger made up for you.
-Make up 11 questions for the people your going to challenge.
-Pass this award to 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
Dandy, except I don't know eleven bloggers out there... So I will throw the challenge back to Suisse and to Helen H's Orchid blog....
First, the 11:

My 11 questions to my choices:
1. Your best summer memory from the summer of 2012?
2. Your biggest dream?
3. What do you think of FINLAND?
4. Name one person who has touched your life and inspired you?
5. What's youe favourite bag like?
6. When was the last time you attented a good party?
7. What's the most beautiful thing ever been said to you?
8. Why do you write a blog?
9. What was the last things you ate?
10. What did you do today at 8 am?
11. Something that no one knows about you?
1. Meeting my friend Mirjam in San Francisco who I had not seen for a year!
2. Haluan puhua suomea ja asua Suomessä!
(Speak Finnish and live in Finland)
(Or have someone comment to my posts)
3. See number two :D
4. Loviisa Luoma! She is always so sweet and teaches
me life lessons without her even knowing it. She is so
pure of heart and a great friend.
5.My favorite bag? : ) Umm, its a box. It holds a hat.
6.It's been so long I don't remember.. Never?
8. For fun, mostly to make You happy. Certainly
not for readership, cuz I don't have that.
9.A bagel.
10. I was sleeping. Or FB chatting Finns.
Can't remember.
11. I have a blog.
1. If you had an all-seeing oracle, but could only ask ONE question, what would you ask?
2. What do you think of America?
3. What do you know about Orchids?
4. What is you favorite sport?
5. If you could learn ANY language, or be PERFECT in one you currently learn, which one and why?
6. Do you consider yourself religious?
7. What caused you to be the happiest you've ever been?
8. You wake up and the weather is PERFECT! What is it?
9. What instruments can you play?
10. Your dream vacation was to?
11. Your greatest personal acheivement was when?
This quiz goes to:
Behind my Eyes
Orchidholics Anon.
Whatever your sister's blog is called Suski....
Whomever else you can think of, I don't blog much... Sorry all!
But I will get to 11 eventually! Have fun!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back again!

Hello my affectionate readership! I am back from my vacation today, and WOW what fun it was! I admit I was in a funk the last few weeks and couldn't think of any topics to write about. Well now I have a LOT of them! Keep on the lookout for new posts this week!

(and dear readers, if you read, please at any time leave a comment and say so :) I would be so thrilled to know these words reach beyond my immediate friends :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Write yourself a book

It is my challenge to my readers! You read so much, why not write! Anyone can write a novel; just invent some names, a plot, a story, through in bullets and explosions, and you have a novel ready to be adapted for the screen in no time at all!

I know what you're thinkin', "I can't write a novel!!!! Come on, how can I write 200 pages of text???"

Answer: Write it one page at a time!
(So cliche)
But think about it, if you write a page a day (A twenty minute task if you are fast) in 100 days you will have a pretty good sized novel. In a year you'll have 365 pages! Not to shabby at all. The point is you should just sit down and WRITE!

Like this....

Okei, maybe not like this, but how about like


There you go! You are well on your way!

You can always write a book about an author who has to write a book but has no idea how to do it!